
an employer of a particularly evil nature, completely devoid of empathy or concern for anyone else. the deadly hybrid of boss and asshole.
"I missed the birthday party because my bosshole made me stay late"
by heather of canada February 8, 2009
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An immeadiate supervisor or manager who displays poor workplace skills.
The new guy was promoted before me and instantly became my new bosshole.
by Robin L. West April 17, 2008
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an asshole who is better at being an asshole than most other assholes
that guy's a complete bosshole
by Rob Congdon April 28, 2003
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a derogatory or negative term used for ones boss or supervisor at work. a term used to describe a bossy person or one who likes to boss others around.
I was ready to leave work for the day and my "bosshole" made me work overtime.

I would have made it to the party on time but my "bosshole" kept me busy.

I wanted to play golf, but my "bosshole" wife said no!
by PaulyKeltz April 4, 2010
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I was going to go to the ball game tonight, but the bosshole wants me to work late.
by Bill Patton and Ed Kelley June 29, 2006
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A manager or supervisor that suffers from assholism ( a pervasive pattern of asshole like behavior).
My manager isn't bi-polar he suffers from bossholism.
by thinkbeforeyouact February 12, 2010
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Boss-ass-hole. A Boss, who is an asshole.
My bosshole tried to threaten me with some kind of dismiss for breach notice because of the biggest bullshit ever...
by MihailM May 7, 2007
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