noun: a descriptive word commonly associated with the phrase 'Proper Bo'. A compliment. Used to describe something is Good, Ace, Wicked, Spectacular, Amazing etc. Also refered to as Bo-Shank depending on the location the term is used in.
Mate that car is Boshank, is it proper Boshank
by Dave - skiving work January 6, 2004
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ace, cool, sik, awsome, fucking bad
those shoes are absolutly Boshank
by steve October 24, 2003
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it means that something is wicked or sik or just generally good.
by james June 1, 2004
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The space between the sexual organ and anus. Also known as a taint, or a gooter.
(A). In Saratoga we called it a boshank, in Troy we call it a taint. Why is there such a word?

(B). Yo when we was roshamboing you got me in the boshank instead of the nuts!
by Berzerker May 19, 2005
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Said if you cant be arsed to say anything else or are to monged to realy understand any of the conversation but wnat to giv a positive responce.
joe: "Man, I just downloaded 58 tracks for your new CD, it took like 12 hours and it was realy realy realy hard!"

Al: "..........Boshank!"

Joe: "its not even a realy word"

Al: "cone?"

Joe: "boshank!"

Al: "thats not even a realy word"
by perry mason November 16, 2004
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getting sexually excited with things you aught not!!!!!
im going to boshank with the hamster
by ***!!!Sara!!!**** March 16, 2006
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