I saw the bonchiest gye today at the gym.
by R.Davis October 21, 2010
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bon·chi /bon - chi /

–noun, plural -s -Slang
1. a female who shops at the Bon Marche (bon) or other middle tier department store (Macy's) and makes a chirping (chi) sound when laughing or talking with a group of friends.

2. the word is a portmanteau: a blend of two (or more) words or morphemes and their meanings into one new word. Bon Marche + Chirp = bonchi

3. typical of or reflecting the characteristic of a bonchi.
Those bonchis in the hallway are giving me a headache with their high pitched cheep, cheep, cheeps. (hee, hee, hee).

She is a total bonchi! She is wearing the same outfit as the window display mannequin at Macy's.

Don't buy that dress it looks so bonchi.
by dayone July 31, 2010
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in the malayalam language(colloquial) bonchi means sweety lemon juice
please give me a bonchi with ice
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"We're going shopping"

"Giiiiirl bonchies"
by Skram January 26, 2014
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To bonchi is the Act of putting a dildo/vibrator somewhere that you usually don’t
Barbra-yesterday I bought a vibrator and put it in my nose
Alex-you did a bonchi
Barbra-I guess
Alex-also we’re not friends anymore
Barbra-why not
by Succulent anal seepage April 18, 2020
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A term for growing a midget pepper
Yo that bonchi is short but look at the girth on it.
by Pepper Don September 16, 2017
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