Better than better. It is a word discovered by the Romans in ancient times. Some Legends say that they hid it in an ancient search engine like being so that not many people do use it. This was to prevent it from becoming common so I could stay here forever and ever the end.
Amazing Jane's superpowers are the Betterest Compared to Batricio
by Batricio August 5, 2016
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When you’re better than better
“I’m better than you hoe”

Oh fr? I’m the betterest dick cheese
by luvvvall_ September 21, 2021
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the best, its better than better, it's the betterest!!
"my dead baby collection is the betterest"
by Fagdonna May 23, 2004
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Meaning the best in the both known and unknown universe.
This is the betterest pie ever.
by ShiftyJeans November 19, 2013
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A playful, informal term used to describe something or someone that surpasses the 'bestest' or outshines the exceptional. It signifies the pinnacle of excellence, often in a light-hearted or exaggerated manner.
"Stetson is the 'betterest' at everything; this is in comparison to his girlfriend who is only the bestest.
by Avendesora October 25, 2023
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Maia :)
Hanging with Maia is most betterest
by Palabrob September 22, 2023
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