A growing yet indecipherable mound, composed of unmatched socks, sweaters, underwear, pillows, books, catalogs, unopened mail, empty bottles, reading glasses, chargers, clean and dirty towels, exercise paraphernalia, countless and nameless other things, many forgotten yet long-sought, the entirety overtaking the room, cascading, poised to erupt.
"Have you seen my phone?"
"Have you checked the bedside volcano?"
"Which one??"
"Good question."
by Monkey's Dad February 26, 2023
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1. Bedside manner refers most often to the way a doctor interacts and communicates with patients. A doctor with a bedside manner is a good communicator, while one without a bedside manner may offend or may be overly abrupt with patients.
2. The ability of one to cope with the abrupt surprise the morning after interaction with a female, whom the night before appeared to be quite striking and statuesque, but now appears to be repugnant, uninviting, and reminiscent of snuffaluffagus.
1. Patient: The doctor spoke to me with such politeness and tact, his bedside manner is so welcoming.

2. Guy 1: When I rolled over the next morning after the whiskey had worn off, I had to bite my hand to keep from screaming and waking the slumbering beast that lay next to me.
Guy 2:Your bedside manner is impeccable
Guy 1: I know, I got dressed and got out of Dodge and half way to Texarkana before she stirred.
by Colt Justice July 29, 2011
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Waking up- rolling over in bed and smoking. If you get out of bed the process is ruined.
I woke up at 10:30 this morning reached from my bed to the side table and smoked sitting on my bedside... What other way to start of the day than with a bedside bake?
by Nostaw CB September 4, 2010
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Often an old t-shirt, however any semi absorbant textile material will suffice. The bedside rag is kept beside your bed and is used for cleaning up the goo after you have shamefully loved yourself. There are several methods which can be employed when using the bedside rag. a)goo on your hand and wipe onto the rag, b)goo onto your stomach (could involve snail-trail-slime) or my favourite which is least messy c) put the rag on your stomach and goo straight onto it, this needs no after-goo clean up so you can go straight to sleep. This invention allows for the moment of bliss after gooing to kept on into the night, however it is best to throw it out after a while as it gets a bit mucky, and you have to start thinking of excuses why you've got an old stainfilled mickey mouse t-shirt next to your bed (see e.g).
mother: "whats that doing there, its been there for months, and it looks pretty dirty"
you; "dont worry mum, thats just an old art t-shirt of mine which gets glue on it every now and then"

girlfriend;" errrgh, what the hell's this"
you; "i have absolutely no idea, must be hunting season i guess?"

mate;"yo, homedogg what in fashizzles name is this, it looks like it's straight outta compton, f'shaw"
you;"no sweat bruv that just be me bedisde rag"
by Rob Lewis March 16, 2005
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Also known as Pillow Presbyterian, this church is one that you attend in your dreams. Members of Bedside Baptist may be labeled as heathens by members of other denominations.
Crap, dude, I overslept this morning so I ended up going to Bedside Baptist.
by krazyness April 22, 2009
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The church you go to when you decide to sleep in.
"Hey Mary did you go to church today?"
No, I took a little trip to Bedside Baptist"
by MsDghtry14 May 9, 2010
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noun; a person, usually female, who uses their unfortunate partner as nothing more than a sex tool and then proceeds to take their money as payment for the best time of the partners life. The money should be left on the table before the partner leaves the next morning.

not to be confused with a prostitute or hooker
trevor - "did you see that girl on the track? kimber?"

daniel - "yeah she was such a bedside table, worth atleast 50 bucks"
by rhodez2013 October 1, 2009
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