A yellow fruit that is known to dance and sing about peanutbutter and jelly.
by Baha October 1, 2004
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An annoying onision fan that watches all his videos and slowly begins to peel off his skin and revert to self cannibalism
guy 1- are you a banana
guy 2- of fucking course not who do you think i am
by hannah adams February 14, 2017
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A fruit commonly used in dick jokes, because it's shaped like a FUCKING DICK
Alice put the banana in her mouth and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
by UndertaleTrashThatGotMauled December 8, 2016
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One of the only words in the english language with the ability to make you feel stupid every time you try to write or type it.
I feel stupid when I write the word banana. Its like, how many na's are on this thing? 'Cause I'm like 'Bana ... keep going. Bananana ... damn.
by Laughing Jesus July 26, 2008
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Brian Griffin is a banana
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Brian griffin: the banana
by you are awesome as December 27, 2011
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Non offensive and non sexual term:

A person who is outwardly unfriendly but a shy and clumsy friend once you get to know them better
The term banana references the fact that a banana the fruit is not very appealing on the outside but sweet and tasty inside.
by Sexydimma May 17, 2017
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