ASM means an Attention Seeking Monster. Someone or a group of people who constantly want all the attention to the point where they turn into complete monsters. They MUST be the center of Attention and will not deal with anyone else having a thought or oppenion that takes the eye off of them.
ASM- "I almost dies while driving the other day..."

Friend-"Thats horrible, what happend?"

ASM- "I almost ran over a pedestrian with a baby stroler.."

Friend- "Oh my gosh, was the pedestrian and baby okay?"

ASM- "Yea, but it was me sho almost hit them. I could of like totally died!"
by Crazy Frog Rocks February 6, 2010
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Meaning - Almost Shit Myself, a kind of text or chat lingo thats just come about. Similar to LMAO - laughing my ass off or LOL - laugh out loud
Tom:Man that shit was funny, ASM!!!

Ben:What's ASM mean ?

by Roll Tide1322 March 24, 2010
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awesome, like awesome oppossum!

asm psm for short.
u are asm psm. asm like the greatest psm.
by rjazzle July 16, 2006
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n. An Assistant Stage Manager for a play.

v. To assistant stage manage a play.
n. Hey, you're ASM.

v. You're going to ASM the play?
by PQizzle March 13, 2006
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A Women, who makes you believe she's having an orgasm during sexual intercourse, when really she's experienced it the same quality sex from hundreds of other men.
A: Your Girlfriend is such a slutga-asm!
B: No way, she says I'm the full package.
A: That's what Slutga-asms say!
by PLOLNEWTERMS June 20, 2010
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A garbage Serbian nOob thay plays c-ops (submitted by QuickFire xd)
AsM Samurai is ass at critical ops
by AsM QuickFire June 7, 2018
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Something incredibly delicious.
"You should try their dessert - it's a real tongue-asm."
by JessieJane April 22, 2007
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