Appraisal Wells

Commonly used by Oild Field Roughnecks refering to having relations with their girls while at work
Im gonna drill some open hole appraisal wells tonight.
by Scott "Danger" August 26, 2008
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a cock appraiser

A gay man who goes around guessing the sizes of mens penises.
What a cock appraiser, little fagget homo sits there and asking me how long is my shlong. Then he makes fun of me saying my shlong isnt long when I did'nt give him an answer. Why would he care about my penis size?
by hornyHorror January 13, 2010
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employee self appraisal

The BS thing everyone those every year thinking you are actually going to get raises.
Even though I lied like the best of them on my Employee Self Appraisal I still did not get a raise.
by olavahc November 18, 2010
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A person being appraised.
I requested the contact details of this specific appraisee.
by Keith De Lucci April 5, 2006
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n. The cryptid of insurance defense lawyers. i.e. Everyone's heard of one, but no one's ever seen one.
INSURANCE DEFENSE ATTORNEY 1: "Did you hear? They're saying a Motion to Compel Appraisal was recently granted in a County Courthouse. My sources tell me there's even a copy of the motion on file in the Clerk's Office!"

INSURANCE DEFENSE ATTORNEY 2: "Wow! Where did the sighting take place?"

INSURANCE DEFENSE ATTORNEY 1: Somewhere in Florida according to the internet!
by Superlativeness February 20, 2021
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An annual form completed by MCSO supervisors that justifies giving or not giving you a pay raise. This form is mandated by policy, but no one really cares about them unless they are really super negative. Supervisors hate writing them as they know it's pointless.

Theoretically it documents your performance over the last year, but every commander has different criteria and people just make shit up as they please.
Its time for your annual Employee Performance Appraisal.
by OneMCSOFamily September 8, 2021
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bank appraiser

A pimps debt collector. The landlords enforcer and College Graduate- whom just moved out to new location; apartment (one bedroom, two bedroom etc). Has to plan his/her day around when he/she can have bae over for some nookie.

Definition 2: the shady character that calculates the monetary / net worth of investment (real-estate, property).
The Bank Appraiser will be over at 3 pm to observe each apartment, but it will only take 10 minutes. The landlord will be right there, so you don't have to be home.
by Mr. Wonderful7723 September 7, 2017
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