by Georgiao’keefe October 4, 2019
By adding -age to the ends of random words-age, your vocabulary and knowledge of the English language seem-age to grow-age. Adding -age makes words more fun and original.
by Dini-Gab May 24, 2008
Turning soccer ball into soccer ballage is a prime example of ageing.
Skillage, humdingage, goldage, fanage are all normal words that have had age added, we call that ageing a word.
Skillage, humdingage, goldage, fanage are all normal words that have had age added, we call that ageing a word.
by Skillage09 October 14, 2011
Person 1: Oh it's going to be hottest summer ever in Britain this year, so there's going to be lots of opportunities for fun in the sun.
Person 2: Ag.
Person 2: Ag.
by JamesP123 April 20, 2010
A suffix, which can be added to almost any word.
Such as "kickage", or "slayage", popularized by Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Such as "kickage", or "slayage", popularized by Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
by 5by5 July 3, 2005
Wtf is that ? This word means nothing. Something people use to feel cool ! It doesn't even matter in this world. So do what you like without guilt.
by ackem22213 April 18, 2013