When you have that one user on a server/forum who argues with everyone for the sake of it
Zixra is being suck a Zick right now.

Stop being such a Zick
by Hobbitus December 7, 2021
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To feel on a new level of excitement, after you fulfilled something meaningful in your life. You can also use it in a negative connotation after getting fucked over by someone or something.
Yo man, I just zicked that game so hard, that team did not see the comeback.
She zicked that test so hard, she studied for weeks and only got a 50.
by Netero Isaac January 28, 2017
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A female which is always in bad mood, agressive and silly.

adj. "zickig"
"You're such a Zicke today, Janine!"
"A lil' bit zickig, honey?"
by Frank May 7, 2005
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Another form of Dick, prick, asshole, loser, referring to any male with a name beginning with a "Z"

used mainly when other words in reference are not appropriate
Zygmont is such a zick when he forgets to get his girlfriend a gift for there one year and the "postal service" is to blame why she didn't get a valentines day present what a zick!
by obbie connobie February 15, 2007
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a phrase that people use in New Orleans to say "that dick", but in a more ghetto way.
"Girl look at zat zick"
"Yeah its pretty small" lol
by Reese2014 April 5, 2011
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Addison Zick is a girl who switched schools because the people at Northern High School bullied her so much. Shes really hot and has big tits tho. Theres no reason people should have bullied her like they did because shes actually really nice. Id totally date her.
person 1: "yo, i want a girl like Addison Zick"
person 2: " i just want Addison Zick"
by KeeptheloveKeepthepeace October 28, 2021
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A term used by disabled member of the LBGTQ community yourrage gaming that means suck my dick
Grunt: “ Rage has no knees and has one shoulder”

Yourrage: “ Suck my zick
by Yrg David July 4, 2022
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