Narrow path sometimes linking streets at different heights.
West Wynd, Calman's Wynd, Bruce's Wynd, School Wynd, Water Wynd and Cove Wynd (from wikipedia)
by sunberry January 25, 2007
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wynd; why you not dab
in responce to somebody who did some sort of accomplishment w/o an ensuing dab
or just in reply to a random photo where not much is happened
random instagram of friend not doing very much
comment: wynd bruh!?
by Lavaban September 24, 2017
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The most beautiful woman in the world! Is the best mom or will be the best mom you will ever meet.
Wynde Lovely brunette with flowing curls, and hazel eyes.
by Cnk December 16, 2013
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1. To be like "Wynd", one must show no signs of intelligent life.

2. To be like "Wynd", one must first achieve the peak of stupidity.

3. See n00b or failure at life.
Wynd: LIEK j00 theenk ur cool but ur nawt!

D_R: The only thing you can do that even BEGINS to resemble debating is wank. After all, we all know you've mastered the art of "bating".

by D_R d00d '>_> December 7, 2006
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Chloe is a straight up truthful person who is always ready to stand her ground and say what needs to be said.she is also really thicc and most likely dominate in bed and not submissive, she is rlly kinky and is in love with her fortnite playing boyfriend
stop sucking my nipples chloe wynd!
by GetFlappy February 14, 2023
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