by Mike December 26, 2003
Originally used by 3D Realms as the "release date" for the game Duke Nukem Forever, it basically just translates to either "we don't know yet" or can be jokingly used in the context of indefinitely delayed/Early Access games.
Random Dude 1: "So when's Star Citizen going to come out of Early Access?"
Random Dude 2: "When It's Done!"
Random Dude 2: "When It's Done!"
by Ordinatoris September 30, 2020
When a project or product is in the developmental stages. It has no set time line given, and is a work-in-progress. The moment the finished project or product has been finalized, then that is when it has been completed. It will be done.
The game is a work-in-progress. It's done when it's done. DWD. That will be when you can buy it from the shelves or marketplace.
by Jack Stone Snr. April 25, 2021
by Zip up my pants bitch April 22, 2023
A response used when someone is meat riding (obsessed with) another person. They tell them to zip up his pants because they've been riding his dick.
Person 1: "Lebron is the best player of all time!!!! No one will ever beat Lebron!! Hes the goat!!!"
Person 2: "zip up his pants when you done"
Person 2: "zip up his pants when you done"
by anonymousdictionary_ June 22, 2023
In the California prison system when you break one of the rules within' your own car, you get broken off. The first couple of minor offenses result in you being broke off with an additional set of burpees on top of your daily mandatory set. Traditionally upon completion of your daily mandatory set of burpees you will sound off. Meaning you shout a cadence representing your particular group. That being said, when you break a rule that requires you to be broken off, nobody tells you what they think you did, there is no arguing your case. To save time, and breathe whoever is running things for your car just looks at you and says, "sound off when your done."
Inmate X - "I think I got lucky, nobody noticed my bunk wasn't rolled up until after 11:00."
Inmate with the llaves- "sound off when you're done."
Inmate X- "dang."
Inmate with the llaves- "sound off when you're done."
Inmate X- "dang."
by LocN9ne January 29, 2023