Originating from Salt Lake City high schools and especially popular in that area, "weem" describes a hot woman
Man, this party is full of weems!
by AltaSKI December 20, 2009
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1) A response to an awful story, bad joke, or unfunny comment.

2) In extreme cases can be used as a noun describing an incredibly unfunny human being.
1) (Zach says something stupid and unfunny)...pause..."WEEM"

2) Greg- "Oh my God, Quinn is such a weem"
by wawaman May 8, 2007
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A person who is obsessed with internet memes, or is constantly quoting the latest viral video. They will typically live in their mom's basement and play MMOs. Also known as a meme whore.
"Who is your favorite Brony?"
"Dude, you are such a weem!"
by shar9y January 28, 2012
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(noun) A short, curved blade used by druidic peoples for harvesting and ritual sacrifice.
The dig site at K'el Kaerlyn yielded a host of important artifacts including spearheads, druidic jewelry, shards of pottery, and several weem tools.
by flinnbain June 9, 2006
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(noun) A group of offspring belonging to a mother beast.
Estella fought back against the fire with the fierce desperation of a mother dragon defending her weem.
by flinnbain June 9, 2006
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its worse than a noob, but better than a spafin
Gosh, Sarah can't go to the movies today. What a weem.
by STEALTH PANDA December 23, 2008
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