1. A form of walking, popular among ducks attempting to buy grapes from lemonade stands.

2. Walking like a duck, with short steps and a clumsy swaying motion.
1. Then he waddled away, waddle waddle...

2. Timmy walked with a waddle.
by Ryuuma November 15, 2012
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(1)An action of walk bow-legged.
(2)Jacking off.
(1)James likes waddling like a penguin.
(2)Tim waddled off to porn.
by General_truffles March 10, 2003
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Noun. Refers to a collection of three or more overweight lesbians grouped together, at least one of which must be a bull.
I would have been here sooner but the entire sidewalk was blocked by a six lesbian Waddle !
by Rantguy April 14, 2011
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to really ass-beat someone, like a huge spanking that really seems non-ending.
by Devon Mintuck September 7, 2006
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The act of waddling like a duck while trolling for grapes simultaneously.
Tony 'WADDLE WADDLE's long time on his epic troll journey for grapes.
by Duck Club October 19, 2012
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The last message on the popular Disney MMO Club Penguin
Waddle on club penguin
by ih8footy June 16, 2020
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a small pocket of fat under your chin, almost always a result of baby fat.
She had the cutest little waddle.
by lanski June 17, 2004
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