A person who records them self talking about their life and uploads it to various video sites. (Video Blog)
by SuperDuperFaggot September 23, 2014
by Tammy Johnson January 1, 2017
A talentless person that has gained fame for showing how they live their lives, (for some they just show how rich they are) the vlogger will often use clickbait to trick us into their boring content,
Vlogger 1: Hey man that was some good man on man action, as fun as the 3 minutes was I gotta go vlog for my 8 year old fans.
Vlogger 2: alright man don't forget to show them how rich we are, I'll be waiting for your 1 inch anus destroyer ;)
Vlogger 2: alright man don't forget to show them how rich we are, I'll be waiting for your 1 inch anus destroyer ;)
by Don’t f with me I’m gay 4 U August 17, 2019
A person who makes a video log on the web of various subjects such as thoughts, opinions, and interests.
by IQ154 March 23, 2020
A video logger who creates video content about their life and travels!
Vlog = Video Log about any lifestyle related topics! I.e - Beauty,Fashion,Gossip,Talk shows,daily activities...
Vlog = Video Log about any lifestyle related topics! I.e - Beauty,Fashion,Gossip,Talk shows,daily activities...
by DylanDoesVlogs May 22, 2015
Video Blogger - One who records a video blog.
A vlog or video blog is a blog (short for weblog) which uses video as the primary content
A vlog or video blog is a blog (short for weblog) which uses video as the primary content
by theKiwi October 7, 2005
A word used by Roman Atwood to describe is chicken flap on his arm near his triceps.
The term is derived from the fact that he is a vlogger with a flap.
The term is derived from the fact that he is a vlogger with a flap.
by Budder Tortoise July 8, 2016