by Anonymous August 3, 2003
a drug that leaves you completely painfree. you take these things you dont even kno that your leg has just been a shark. good tiems with them vikes..
mike sizzutch takes the vikkizutch
by Jenna March 4, 2005
Vikings were Norse or Scandinavian raiders and seafarers. From the late 8th to early 12th centuries they raided wide areas of Europe and also established many governments, and trading networks. The Vikings were known for their ferocity and sailing ability. The word “Viking” does not describe the Norse or Scandinavian people as a whole, but rather it describes the Norse or Scandinavian men who went sailing and raiding.
The vast majority of Viking raiders were male, and the main reason they originally started their raiding was because they wanted to acquire women from foreign lands for sex and marriage. Viking men would return from their raiding with large amounts of women that they had kidnapped. Polygyny was common, so rich and powerful Viking warriors had many wives and concubines.
Apart from Europe, the Vikings had activities in faraway regions such as North Africa, and the Middle East. There is also ample evidence that Vikings had colonized parts of North America. The Vikings have had an undeniable impact on the course of world history.
The vast majority of Viking raiders were male, and the main reason they originally started their raiding was because they wanted to acquire women from foreign lands for sex and marriage. Viking men would return from their raiding with large amounts of women that they had kidnapped. Polygyny was common, so rich and powerful Viking warriors had many wives and concubines.
Apart from Europe, the Vikings had activities in faraway regions such as North Africa, and the Middle East. There is also ample evidence that Vikings had colonized parts of North America. The Vikings have had an undeniable impact on the course of world history.
Vikings were known for their ferocity in battle. They would often defeat their enemies, and then steal their women.
by Ivar the Boneless August 3, 2019
by R0AR March 12, 2006
by Swimgal69 February 6, 2018
Guy1: Hey, what happened to guy2?
*Viking falls out of the sky*
Viking:I just split his body in half with a claymore while fighiting three ninjas and six pirates!
Guy1:*shits pants *runs away*
Vikings will eat you.
*Viking falls out of the sky*
Viking:I just split his body in half with a claymore while fighiting three ninjas and six pirates!
Guy1:*shits pants *runs away*
Vikings will eat you.
by Vikinger November 25, 2007
Warriors of the North, that beat the living fuck out of the christians during the medieval times. Vikings are massive burly bearded men, usually armed wiht swords or axes, that like to drink, fight, and rape christian whores. Weak, modern men are a disgrace of utmost disgust, compared to the mighty vikings.
"Hail Thor!" roared the berzerker Viking as he raised his axe and swung down, chopping a christian's head clean in half, splattering brains all over his blade, arm and face.
by GROMM August 8, 2004