
To inhale vapor from E-cigarettes. Used because "smoking" an E-cig doesn't apply as there is no smoke only vapor.
I'm able to vape in a movie theater.
by riddle80 January 14, 2009
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Mango-flavoured Lung Cancer
"Hey kids, do you want a nicotine addiction?"
"What?! No, of course not!"
"But it's mango flavoured..."
"Ooh gimme gimme! What's it called?"
"It's called a vape! We're Juul, and we're totally not advertising products to help with smoking issues to young teens!"
by OddPianoAlpaca December 7, 2020
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The ancient native american ritual celebrating the preservation of one's virginity. Modernized for this day and age using electronic "cigarettes" with variable cartridges of diluted flavors and substances.
"Did you hear ? John vapes now..."
"Well good. He won't have to worry about getting anyone pregnant then"
by Cyriel March 1, 2016
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Vape is an electronic cigarette. It contains nicotine (safe but addictive), propylene glycol (safe), vegetable glycerin (glycerol, safe), and artificial flavors.

Some flavors of vape are: Candy, watermelon, mango, mint, menthol, peach, and more.

Juul has less flavors, but still has flavors and is easy to use. Nicotine does not give you lung cancer. Only the carcinogens in regular cigarettes and chewing tobacco give you lung cancer. Vaping is for people 18 years and older only in some places, and 21 years or older in other places.
I am using my mint flavored vape. This juul is awesome!
by HawaiianPunch1 January 6, 2023
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Man let me see that vape so I can show my boy Jeffrey to vape that oil.
by Hottie b mi May 26, 2015
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the behavior of Inhaling and exhaling vapor via vape device. It is one new lifestyle for leisure, relax and amusement.
I vape in Halloween festival via pumpkin vape device.
by Pumpkinvapedevice July 6, 2015
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What literally all 8th graders do in class.
I saw Joey vape behind Mrs. Diana's back in math.
by Delaneyab March 24, 2018
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