Woman that takes a guys virginity
Yo that bitch went v-card massacre on that guy and he went stalker crazy!!!
by Pdaub February 13, 2021
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to impale a female who has yet to experience the displeasure of cherry popping.
"yo boy, i chilled with her and i got the v card snatch, it was a messy business"
by Katzilla January 15, 2006
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A holder of a myspace v-card has not had any comments yet. The person who comments them first has taken his myspace v-card. And he is no longer a comment virgin.
I left Fred a comment and just got another myspace v-card.
by mnm2007 October 24, 2007
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When you and a friend lose their virginity on the same night.
Friend 1: "Bro, you lose your v card last night?"

Friend 2: "Fuck yeah man! I'm a big boy now!"

Friend 1: "Bro, I did too!"

Friend 2: "No fucking way! We're V Card Brothers!"
by Charles andrew July 4, 2014
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When one loses their butt hole virginity
Amelia: Wana do it in da butt?
Lo: Nothing new I lost my BH-V Card last week?
Amelia: Did you get poop on your dick?
by Ldquakers April 7, 2010
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The brand new V-card that a girl recieves when she enters a college. The college v-card is usually lost within a few days, for the good girls its lost within weeks, for the saints its kept for a semester. The college v-card is not given to gilrs who attend Junior College.
Emerson.. Did you hear about Susie?

Monroe....No what happened?

Emerson...Kevin snatched her college v-card!!!

Monroe...Damn she only lasted 2 days!!!
by Gucci Crooks September 1, 2009
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When someone loses their virginity on their birthday
Billy: What'd you get your girlfriend for her birthday?
Tim: I gave her a v-card giftcard
by Akeyyo July 18, 2018
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