
to 'do' (wink wink nudge nudge), to hump, to have sexual intercourse with

see Pallida
"I want to umF Pallida"
by M4nd4 January 23, 2003
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An non-profit organization of businessmen and crooks, that exploit abused children, for money profit
I got abused as a child, and then I was sent to UMFS where I got further traumatized
by angel cakes 99 November 23, 2019
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An organization of businessmen and crooks, that exploit abused children for money profit
I got abused as a child, and then I was sent to UMFS where I got further traumatized
by angel cakes 99 November 23, 2019
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Wow He's A UMF, Thats How A UMF Does It
by fuckingstud December 2, 2007
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fucking gay ass college located in Western Maine.
So where do you go to college?
I go to UMF, Guy..
by Cam Therieault May 8, 2005
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A piece of shit, originating from UMFS, with pieces of corn and black beans stuck inside of it. It smells really bad and usually clogs the toilet.
dude 1 - "Dude, why does the whole house smell like rank shit?"
dude 2 - "because I ate a nasty empanada and took a UMFS Sheppard"
by the dirtiest sanchez ever November 22, 2019
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