Trump Change

When someone says they have a lot of money, but never provide proof or are lying about their wealth.
Jonathan talks big game about his wealth, but never pays for anything. He must have Trump Change.
by emhgames October 22, 2016
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Trump Change

Bumming $millions off of you supporters to use for your legal defense.
That is a mountain of money Trump gets from his supporters. You can call it Trump Change, especially when he uses it for his legal defense.
by Laughs Along With Humans December 29, 2022
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Trump Change

Economic support given by the Trump administration during the Coronavirus epidemic.
Man, I'm really banking on this Trump Change to pay rent next month.
by SlightlyBeneficial April 1, 2020
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Trump Change

People who spends millions like it was small change
P Diddy Donated one million to the hurricane victims.
Thats trump change for him. JayZ also donated trump change.
by GarrettM September 12, 2005
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Trump Change

A quantity of money only Trump can be able to loan; a mockery to his "small loan of a million dollars."
"I would go to England, but that will cost me a couple thousand dollars just for the plane."
"A thousand dollars? Man, that's trump change."
by Xgin April 20, 2016
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Trump Change

Dude A: Yo man, how much is it for the movie?

Dude B: It's $11.00.

Dude A: Are you kidding me? That's Trump Change!
by DriveByInsulter June 27, 2011
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Trump change

A piddily sum of money received from the Trump administration's stimulus package in response to the COVID19 pandemic.
Guy 1 - "Yooooo whatchu gonna buy wit yo gov money?!"
Guy 2 - "Ima spend it on rent, healthcare, food, and other crippling expenses because I can't afford a lobbyist.... That shit is Trump change"
by Aquarista April 15, 2020
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