Penis,cock,dick,pecker etc.
So called because it is associated with the Trojan brand of condoms that is placed over the penis.
And then I took out my Trojan Horse.
by Judge dredd7 January 4, 2012
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Dumping a fart in the middle of a group, while managing to get out before it kicks in so you cannot be blamed.
Person 1: "Look at that group pinching their noses", Person 2: "Yeah, I just left a Trojan Horse over there"
by kaleplek95 April 4, 2019
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When a poo disguises itself as a fart
by Syinyide April 29, 2019
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The perfect drink for anything. Involves cheap whiskey, coke zero, and cherry syrup.
Person 1: While you're at the bar can you make me a drink?

Person 2: How about a Trojan Horse?

Person 1: That sounds fucking awesome!
by tj8 January 12, 2010
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Verb: To ingest a drug before entering a concert venue so that the drug kicks in only when you are safely inside.
Person A: Hey, you better hide those doses when we go through security.

Person B: No worries man, there's no need. I Trojan Horsed so they should kick in right before the show starts.
by j.onnyseed January 12, 2012
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The girl in an orgy that everyone goes inside of. Especially true if they are all Greek and/or military personnel.
Cindy was trojan horsed last night. It wasn't pretty.

Samantha loves being the trojan horse because she's kinky af.
by georgelopez1973 November 12, 2015
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A girl who only lets a guy "ride" her if he wears protection (i.e., a "Trojan" condom).
Stud #1: Wooo-hoooo... that Tiffany is totally smokin' hot! How come she doesn't have more guys after her?

Stud #2: Oh --- she's one of those trojan horses, and most guys prefer gals who will "just do it" anytime and anywhere.
by QuacksO January 11, 2015
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