
Gun,Gat,Piece,Yok,Nine,Mili Mil,Duce Duce
As in the last thing you will ever HEAR bitch.
by AGENTD36 February 29, 2004
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to put one's balls in a girls ass and one's cock in the pussy at the same time. named after the originator of the technique.
by Jonny-Y April 27, 2008
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skill, talent, doing something right or with great concentration. Sometimes luck
You gotta have some tone if your gonna try and hit on Lindsey; Fedor had tone when he knocked out Arlovski; I toned through it and didnt text Allie back when she was being a bitch.
by Scott Olson February 2, 2009
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A man who wishes that he had a better job. Such as a bus driver who wishes he was a pilot
Tone: alright guys everybody put your trays in the upright position, we're about to take off

Kid on bus: dude, you're a bus driver
by Shawwwwtaaaayy August 31, 2010
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It means to hang out and chill and do some sort of activity that does not require too much effort. Usually used in reference to doing drugs or taking mind/body altering substances, but does not have to be used in that content necessarily.
Mike: Hey John, come tone with us for a bit. We are just watching some South Park.

Bryan: Hey man wanna come tone down a bit with me and Paul? (In reference to marijuana)
Joe: Nah man I can't be tonin when I got an 8 am test tomorrow.
by DrSeed October 7, 2010
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Tone really that sensation that r e s o n a t e s through our ears and strikes our soul in such a way that it creates a numbing sensation to the central nervous system
by Bunny babby April 9, 2011
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Sound of voice. Very bad if it gets too loud or turns the wrong way
Ya best check ya tone, nicca!
by ddfd September 21, 2005
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