to lose your temper and act in an aggressive manner.
I had to snap on some old bitch at the Job Center.
by Pops April 27, 2003
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When you want to put something in your cringe compilation.
*SNAP* Yep. This one’s going in my cringe compilation...
by bubsXD August 7, 2018
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expression: used to describe 1. dismay 2. disbeleif 3. surprise 4. joy

substitutes: fuck shit fug
1. Oh snap, I used too much dynomite.
2. Oh snap! It's Speedy Gonzolez!
3. Holy snap! I have boobies!
4. Snap! She took off her shirt!
by Mike November 27, 2003
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A tweak, a fien, some one who is highly addicted to a drug or substance that blow up your cell and will do anyhting for a hit.
Yo fam that nigga's a snap he do anything for a nic
by Chickenpeeples March 3, 2010
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