See that girl ?

She’s a Lizard Daughter ( ugly,nasty,rude,)
by FazCan November 21, 2019
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Motivational Lizard is a sex move, where one sex partner encourages their other partner to keep having sex with them by dressing up as a light-purple lizard with yellow spots. After dressing up as the lizard, the sex partner starts to recite the Motivational Lizard video from Youtube, and this usually results in the other partner breaking down into joyfully crying, or them being determined to last longer in bed.
Richard: Hey, Blark. My wife gave me a Motivational Lizard last night.
Blark: Oh, that's good. I gave my wife a Wrech-It Ralph last night.
by deniszim November 4, 2019
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When a lot lizard, performs oral so well you're chasing the BJ forever after
Man that lot lizard, blew me so good, I've been chasing the lizard since.
by Lizardchaser July 27, 2022
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The youtuber you can't fucking upload on time and he's a lazy piece of shit
That youtuber is a Mr lizard
by The truth man69 December 12, 2018
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A (youtuber) who you should subscribe to. I would refure this person as (crazy) just like ( the joker) and ( harley quinn)
A Mr lizard is crazy
by HarleyQuinny09 December 12, 2018
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One who preys on the elderly by providing companionship with the hopes of getting put into the will.

See: Lot Lizard, cemetery plot
Anna Nicole Smith (age 26) was accused of being a plot lizard, having married J. Howard Marshall (age 89).
by Peantia Galleria August 1, 2016
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