A boot licking shit talker who thinks they’re doing something to help an issue but instead they’re being a boot licker and not actually helping the issue especially people who have BLM,she/her in their bios instead of talking about reform towards police training and teaching children how to talk to the police or donating to programs that help homeless LGBT youth and better sex Ed.
by isaidwhatisaiddd November 2, 2020
What unemployed adults from middle class families call themselves to feel better about being utter failures. Activists will often have massive student debt, worthless degrees, and live at home with their parents.
by Valkitty July 26, 2017
an individual who expresses their ideas by getting involved and taking action...whether it be pro or anti (insert noun here). being activly involved in community and society nomatter what your beliefs.
by katy July 28, 2004
by Solid Mantis October 12, 2019
The difference between many, if not most activists and pacifists, is an activist would kill in order to look like something other than weak, or passive.
The activist wouldn't suffer the humiliation and shame of being called a pacifist by others, he/she couldn't handle it, so he/she became an activist who appeared to be active and ready at all times instead, and tried to be the persecutor, rather than the persecuted.
by Solid Mantis October 12, 2019
Fascist nosy busy-body that is more worried about everyone else around them, rather than just focusing on the problems in their own life. Generally tends to delude themselves into thinking they're saving the world.
by Schnorkenschneider November 21, 2013
People who care about a certain issue such as animal rights and human rights. They share their beliefs with others and protest when there is the need to do so.
by Alex July 31, 2004