Dropping to a knee in gracious praise to Allah........all the while stuffing Satan's face with your testicles (see te-bagging).
I was so happy Jesus let me make that putt that I instantly tore off all my clothes, began Tebowing and bounced by big sweaty Christian balls right off Lucifer's supple chin.
by Teboner December 15, 2011
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Being hyped beyond belief only to turn out to be nothing more than a massive bust. Similar to the late '90s phenomenon "leafing" (named after Ryan Leaf).
Boy I hope this new QB we drafted pans out. It seems like every QB in the last three years has wound up Tebowing.
by non-believer 15 October 30, 2011
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To become the spokesman for a hate group that's one set of bedsheets away from a klan rally.
Mike: Hey, who's this Tim Tebow guy?

Joe: He's this quarterback who can only throw to receivers' knees and went on national television to show how much he hates women and gays.

Mike: Ohhh. Okay, now I understand 'tebowing.'
by truthbealiar October 30, 2011
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To Tebow is "to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different."
Herbie started to Tebowing to score big at the party.
by ShadyHerb October 28, 2011
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In the game Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, when dickless no good noobs camp in corners, or behind various objects that include and are not limited to crates, cars, bushes, trees, rocks, and doors in a crouched position similar to the one Tim Tebow preforms after a win. Made famous by the NYfC clan on the Playstation version of the game.
Man I went 3 and 13 last match. Yeah its because all of the assholes on the other team were tebowing in corners.
by Life_of_Sin_ NYfC January 13, 2012
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Quitting an online game of Madden right after taking a knee when you are about to win, giving yourself the loss. Send your worthy opponent and kind message of "Tebowing"
I was winning 28-17 vs this guy online with ten seconds left, so I did the proper thing and took a knee and quit. I lost, but he knew I was Tebowing.
by dcpetterson November 20, 2011
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(gerund) The act of going down on one knee in order to suck God's cock.
Timmy explained, "I'm not praying. In the Gospels, Mark 5:6 clearly says not to pray in public. I'm actually Tebowing. It makes me feel warm inside."
by GreatWhitePope January 18, 2012
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