when two people like each other a lot and have established that they like each other but they aren't technically "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" yet but they don't talk to other people
John and I have been talking for months, I wonder when he will ask me out.
by rankrankinrank February 15, 2017
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A conversation most American parents try to have with their teens, telling them all about sex even though they've already known it all for a couple of years by that time. Therefore it only serves to embarass the teen.
I'm not having the talk with my kids, I want them to just learn it all on the internet and from the kids at school like I did, and like everyone should.
by combat_rock November 24, 2003
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What Charles Ryder and Julia Flyte do on the ship back to England in Catholic convert Evelyn Waugh's 1945 novel Brideshead Revisited.
"All next day Julia and I spent together without interruption; talking, scarcely moving, held in our chairs by the swell of the sea."
by JesuitsRule February 18, 2021
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When you talk to someone a lot and you like them but you aren’t dating yet.
Ryan: are you and Eva dating

Tom: not yet we are only talking
by shadyshaccus July 9, 2019
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When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship.
"John and I go out a lot but we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together."
by Mike June 17, 2004
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/V/ to have a one way conversation; allow no collaboration
I really don't want to go out with her and listen to her talk at me all night
by oneandonlypeacock April 22, 2010
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