T.I.L. (Today I Learned)
Often used as a space saver on websites such as Reddit or DIGG when writing the titles of links to interesting things the submitter has learned that day.
TIL that a meter is the distance light travels in 299,792,458ths of a second.
by zBriGuy August 21, 2009
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This is Lanka, a derivative of TIA (This is Africa) but for Sri Lanka.
Nimal: Ado bung where's the stuff we got shipped?
Hashella: I don't know, they must have knicked it :(
Nimal: Are you serious?
Hashella: Til my friend.
Nimal: Til?
Hashella: This is Lanka
by LankanHero April 9, 2011
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OMG I'm soooo TIL with Brad.
Brad and I are tilling it up tonight.
I'm overtil!
Is TIL out tonight?
I spotted TIL at the gym today!
by I can't evenTO November 23, 2014
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That Is Lame. Used when you find something lame.
Example 1:

Guy 1: Hey man i just lost a dollar
Guy 2: Jeez, TIL

Example 2:

Guy 1: Why did the monkey eat oranges?
Guy 2: Why?
Guy 1: Because he's a monkey!
Guy 2: TIL
by The Vizard November 12, 2010
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1. Things I Learned and/or Thought I Learned, 2. Things I Learned and/or Think I Learned.

When you have a minor epiphany, and realize or see something from a new perspective which causes you to at least smile to yourself about your genius.
Hay, Good day for white wedding. Today mine was about the use Hay as a greeting. Hay was then and is now the acronym for "How Are You? Remember the reply to Hay' was "hay is for horses" , well actually you were right. In this day of acronyms it fits. Thus, TIL/TIL
by RTPNick November 17, 2016
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Common misspelling of "till", as in "until". Look it up.
'Til death do us… wait, how does that go again?
by Ulmanor August 24, 2008
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'til is the correct abbreviation of until and not a 'Common misspelling of "till", as in "until".'
Till is the common misspelling of until, but is in fact a cash register or a preparation of soil in readiness for planting.
Until is a future time reference.
Now I will have to wait 'til you get yourselves a dictionary to learn how to correctly spell!
by Repete456 December 23, 2009
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