A person, who's slightly shorter than normal arms make normal activities difficult. Also occurs when one's arms are significanly shorter that their partners, resulting in frequent resquests for assistance.
by Cayman47 December 5, 2011
'T-Rex Arm' :
When laying in bed cuddling your partner, and one arm gets trapped under both bodies/pillow rendering it useless, it is 'T-Rex Arm', i.e completely void of movement and use.Thus, similar to a Tyrannosaurus rex's arm.
When laying in bed cuddling your partner, and one arm gets trapped under both bodies/pillow rendering it useless, it is 'T-Rex Arm', i.e completely void of movement and use.Thus, similar to a Tyrannosaurus rex's arm.
by P-Master-T June 1, 2009
the way you have to contort your arms together at your chest when trying to work on your laptop on the airplane and the person in front of you leans their seat all the way back.
There's so little room when that bitch in front of me reclines her seat that I have scrunch up my arms to my chest like t-rex arms just to get some work done on my laptop.
by Laptop Junkie November 16, 2010
This is the result of ataxic cerebral palsy. A person with this birth defect has one or two small and withered arm resembling the arm of a tyrannosaurus rex.
by lowtarsmokenfool June 29, 2010
Arm cramp that men may get as a result of spooning, when they can't figure out what to do with their other arm and its gets squished up next to their body
by Ninjetturtle June 29, 2014
Someone who suffers from excessively long arms and can't grab anything you hand them close to their body.
by seanjblackwell March 5, 2014
by Killrek May 12, 2021