A portmanteau of "survival" and "thriving." Just making ends meet, yet flourishing as a person. Finding time for growth under harrowing circumstances. Meeting life's most unwelcome challenges with gusto, and even panache. Existential heroism.
Kira's 2020 surthrival has been impressive. While the rest of us fatted ourselves on delivery, booze, and Netflix, she quit smoking and drinking and got her own place!
by fdj383fj December 8, 2020
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When you are doing better than surviving, but you aren't quite thriving.
"This semester is rough as hell, but at least my beer fridge is full! Keep on Surthriving out here!
by Bisketwolf September 6, 2018
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1. Thriving off of being a "surviver" of some nebulous problem, usually a trumped up issue to justify inappropriate behavior.

2. Thriving off of being a victim.
"Joan has practically taken over group therapy from the therapist. She has organized a charity and three support groups, since she recalled her 'childhood trama'."

"She sure is getting a lot of mileage off it."

"Yeah. She is Surthriving, alright. She did this when she discovered she was 1/32nd Native American and again, when she heard about people using live dogs as shark bait. She is a Surthriver..."
by mrhines February 28, 2010
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The ability to or intention to not merely survive but to thrive.
by PLD4U July 11, 2023
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