The extra year(s) required to finish an undergraduate degree.
It sucked that I could not get all my coursework done in 4 years but I was able to get a minor during my super senior year.
by Sofa King Chicago April 7, 2006
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Person 1- "How old is Nana turning this year?"

Person 2- "She's hitting the big 9-oh! She now qualifies as a Super Senior Citizen"
by lameduckprez May 29, 2009
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A person who attends college not only for an additional year (making them a super senior) but a year after that. Sometimes a super senior-ing is acceptable if a person needs this year for major requirements (engineering). With a sixth year senior this is not the case, it is pure laziness or unwillingness or stupidity keeping them in college. Possible reasons include the subject having a severe difficulty with launching or because they thought they were so cool in college they are scared of real life where people may not know them. It can also be a way to hold off being called an alcoholic (which of course only counts once college is over).
Person 1: Dude he graduated last year right, I mean he was already a fifth year?
Person 2: No, he's back for more. Super Duper Senior. Embarassing.
by DoubleTuition September 19, 2011
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“Where’s my hug” - something a super senior would say
by CheezePizzaa May 17, 2023
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Deez machado “oh it’s the super senior dez machado”.
by Starvingboi September 5, 2021
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