anything that sends you a message without your Knowledge of It, usuaLLy picked up on by your subconscious mind, oftEn ViolEnt thoughts, that can be left unhaRmed to slowly work its waY intO your brain. pEople rarely catch them, even when they are right in front of their eyes--more obvious than anything.
by garryp February 6, 2004
A subliminal message is any communication that has been rendered fully or partially undetectable to the conscious mind, which is not understood by the conscious mind, but is detected and understood by the subconscious mind. It is most commonly found in the form of visual and audio subliminal programs built from specially worded scripts. If these messages are properly phrased and the resulting subliminal audio program is built correctly, the resulting subliminal program can be used to successfully and significantly change and improve one's life in a variety of ways. The subliminal audio programming offered by Indigo Mind Labs' is an excellent example of this.
Hey John, have I told you that I am successfully using subliminal messages to make myself and my life better and happier? You should try this too!
by Subliminals May 13, 2019
A hidden message or image found in text, music or film. A well-known subliminal message was that of Coca-Cola ads which flashed for less Than a second in movies. You may not have seen it, but your subconscious did. Don't argue with him.
by Didda Tinkle July 6, 2004
Definitely the best upgrade for the Chinese in Command & Conquer Generals. It increases the healing and increased fire rate of propaganda by another 25% permanently for only 500 $. Nuke Overlords + Propaganda Tower + Subliminal Messaging = Teh Ep1c W1nz0rzzz!!!!!11111111
by Aquifex July 14, 2009
A series of advertisiments that flash so fast that your only your sub-conscious mind can pick it up. This method was used alot in the 1950's and 60's to get people to smoke. If it is used enough your actions can be effected by these messages. It has been baned by the US government.
John: I can't stop playing World of Warcraft
Patrick: I think it has subliminal messages in the game.
Patrick: I think it has subliminal messages in the game.
by bern316 August 27, 2009
subliminal message:
by sB129 March 15, 2008
Ok for those of you people who want to know the message its is "sleep with me you know im not too young"im not sure if its real
by John Fru August 2, 2004