Stanky Leg

When a leg is gangrenous, it will sometimes secrete a foul-smelling pus.
Soldiers, while marching through Vietnamese wetlands, often would become gangrenous, and when left untreated, would have one hell of a Stanky Leg.
by UncleDoden June 5, 2019
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Stanky Leg

Another term for increased blood-flow to the male penis resulting in a hardening state. Also known as an erection and/or boner.
Tyson is that a stanky leg I gave you? Says Breanne.
by gsboyz May 11, 2009
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stanky leg

stanky leg

dance that makes you look stupid by the GS boyz

dance where you stick out your leg and rotate it around.
Hey, look at Lina doing the stanky leg dance.

It looks like Lina has a stanky leg.
by stanky leggg February 16, 2009
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the stanky leg

Hitting someone so hard that their legs go weak. What you see right b/f someone gets knocked the F/k out!!
Man, I told dude to stop. My girl even pleaded w/ him, but he kept talkin shit and came at me. I crow hopped this bitch and hit him in the dome w/ extreme prejudice. I had this m/f doin the stanky leg!!
by Comanche Jackson January 27, 2011
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stanky leg

When a lovely lady is booty dancing on the dance floor and the gentleman sticks his leg out and rotates it, grinding it up in the booty, giving him a "stanky leg"
After doing the stanky leg with a lovely lady, the gentleman realizes that his leg is actually stanky
by Reezy F July 25, 2010
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stanky leg

A dirty, diseased, bad smelling penis or the penis of a man who has been screwing everybody.
I don't understand why dis nigga thank I want his stanky leg. I'm celibate.
by Candy Pumpkin July 20, 2017
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stanky leg

the feeling of hot yummy poo going down your pantlegs
my dog hit me wit da stanky leg
oh ok
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