To be great or extreme.
Man, that show was sooper.

That kid looks sooper drunk.
by ploxzorlolz October 13, 2008
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Another way to spell "super"
man that party was sooper awesome
by sooperdoode March 16, 2008
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sooper sean is so coolo
by Dawn McKinnon September 4, 2003
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A division of Kroger that thoroughly enjoys overworking their employees. They also are known to disregard statements such as "I can't work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, because I have classes (classes can be replaced with "Practice", "Homework", or "An event to go to I told you about 2 months in advance")."

Also known to let the upper management walk around and talk on cell phones, stand around, and take hour long smoke breaks...8 times a day.
Me: I used to work for King Soopers.
Person: They sure do love anal shafting huh?
Me: Yes.
by Teabaggist January 25, 2007
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Fortnite kid's once they need to take a massive doo doo diarrhea shit, Once they take their shit they need a lot of toilet paper to wipe their stinky sweaty booty ass
yo that kid is a sooper pooper.
by connor mcbundle July 7, 2021
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A store for people who think they are better shopping here than walmart, king sooper management specializes in a variety of activities such as multiple hour long breaks registered as ‘meetings’ walking around on their cellphone and denying time off because you did not inform them when you were born. King soopers also specializes in hiring cleaning services that they pay under the table to come in and inconvenience the night crew every night
king soopers worker: “Man I love my job”

sensible civilian : “ you need psychiatric help”
by baja blast barron June 2, 2024
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