
A skinny awkward friend who only makes bad sex jokes.
Shit! James is coming he is such a Snicklefritz!
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First used in the 2008 super-comedy Pineapple Express, this word was used to refer to any random strain of marijuana the drug dealer is selling, namely a low-potent strain. This is the comical side of the stoner culture as there are hundreds off different, inconsistent names of marijuana strains always circulating.
Dealer: You want to see the Snow Cap i just picked up today?

Stoner: That's not Snow Cap! That just looks like some snicklefritz...
by MrGreen27 September 25, 2008
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A common saying among stoners. It orginates from the movie, Pineapple Express. The dealer witheld the good weed, Pineapple Express, and gave them the Snicklefritz. Ultimately, screwing them over of the good shit.
Stoner 1: Dudddeee!
Stoner 2: What?
Stoner 1: ...I forget...oh I remember...You got snicklefritzed on that last joint. You got all roach.
by Weeznak May 19, 2010
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This word has been around since long before Pineapple Express.
It's a very old term of endearment for a rambunctious male toddler from the low German dialect spoken by Mennonites.
Snicklefritz should probably be spelled schnigelfritz.
by caprees June 22, 2009
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a movie racemouse
In one of director Billy Wilder's gems.... the brilliant WW2 comedy Stalag 17 (1953), the p.o.w. barracks black marketeer J.J. Sefton (William Holden in his Oscar winning role) runs mouse races in the barracks......complete with an improvised track and pari-mutual wagering (in this case for cigarettes....not cash). In one of the races the co-favorites are named.....Snicklefritz and Equipoise. In one scene, two of the p.o.w's..... Harry and Kasava (nicknamed 'Animal') have a pre-race argument about who to bet on. Finally, Harry (Harvey Lembeck) convinces his crony Animal (Robert Strauss) that they should bet their ten cigarettes on ....Snicklefritz. After a fast start, Snicklefritz suddenly stops mid-race to chase his own tail, allowing Equipoise to win the race. Animal.... "why did I let you talk me into betting Snicklefritz.....we lost! " Harry..... "i don't know what happened.... I clocked him this morning and he was running like a doll". Animal...."you clocked him....why don't I clock you!".
by wile033 June 29, 2010
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Over-priced ditch weed.
"That ho smells like snicklefritz!
by redheadbass January 21, 2012
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