The art of ejaculating on another's hand, then snorting the semen through a nostril.
Guy 1: I snelched a line right off this hot chick's hand last night!
Guy 2: ...
by msinclair December 20, 2005
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A snelch is a felch through the nose.
The 'sn' adapted from Snort. And 'elch' from Felch.
She said no to felching so i gave her a snelching.
by Matt March 31, 2005
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Blowing snot into someone's anus and sucking it out
'Hey, fancy a snelch?'
'You sneltched me real good last night, maybe too good, I seem to have a micro tear'

'Snelching isn't just a sexual act, it's a way if life'
by Coolkid90 February 29, 2016
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Post-snutting, when the snutter takes the snuttee's orifice into which they have just snutted and sucks back out all the juicy goodness within (snot, etc.)

Similar to felching.
"We snutted and then he wanted to snelch! What a fucking weirdo."
"Snutting's alright, but I draw the line at snelching."
"Daniel wanted to snut me again so I said alright as long as you snelch, especially after all the stains in my pants from last week's snutting."
by February 25, 2009
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(Verb) to Snelch: The act or acts of releasing gases from ones Snatch in a belching fashion.

(Noun) a Snelch: The gases that come from the vaginal cavity after said release.
Person A: This bitch I met at The Silver Bullet can Snelch like none other.
Person B: Dude, thats nasty! Did her Snelch smell up the room?
Person A: Yes, it smelled like glitter-perfume mixed with snatchy-ass.
by Dajones2 May 5, 2008
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