The point in someone's life when they are debating on suicide and start thinking about shooting themselves.
I haven't seen or heard from Jeremy in a while let's reach out and make sure he's not Smoking the gun.
by Chinchilla Dish February 23, 2022
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(n.)It means the endpoint or last source of hard, solid evidence involved in a case or investigation.
This security tape, analyzed by our experts, show that you, Jacob Fry, did indeed rob and murder two victims at the 1st National Bank at Harford and Main.
by Smkngmgc June 14, 2004
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A piece of evidence that almost is nearly irrefutable. It's origin is from a Sherlock Holme's story and it references how a gun smokes directly after being fired. Therefore if somebody is suspected of shooting a person and they having a still "smoking gun" in their possession, it's evidence that is pretty hard to deny.
1. I know Tom shot Jim, he was still holding a smoking gun when I walked into the room.

2. A: "It's thought that Mary died of an overdose."
B: "Well no one knows for sure yet."
A: "They found heroine and a needle with her DNA on it by the bed"
B: "Oh, I didn't know about that smoking gun"
by Mollination February 3, 2008
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N. When you wake up during the night and your friend is fucking your girlfriend with a tuba and some sour cream.
Wow, last night I awoke to the sound of a tuba and the smell of sour cream, leaned over and saw my girlfriend had both of those in her vagina. My friend Toby just gave my girlfriend the Smoking Cock Gun of Misery and Despair!!!!!
by Twelve Bananas Yes...No May 26, 2009
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When a person takes a hit off a joint or a drag from a cigarette, holding the smoke in and sucks a dick before releasing the smoke.
Jen was nervous about doing the smoking gun, she took a long hit before taking Eric's dick into her mouth, taking it all the way in a couple of times, before pulling off and releasing the smoke.
by Jack 'em May 7, 2009
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No time to shower after sex this morning so I went to work with a smoking gun.
by ProsNCons4ever September 21, 2015
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Delivering a payload on your partner's chest, then wiping the tip on his or her face.
It was a lousy blowjob, so I capped it off with a smoking gun.
by 'lil stinker March 8, 2004
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