A terrible place to be in; somewhere you wouldn't want to live.
I would love to leave this shitland of a country but I'm not moving away from my family.
by am49 August 6, 2014
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Equivalent of England.
A place where it rains 24/7, no matter which cricket match you want to play.
Bro fuck, the next series is in Shitland again, damn hoping for a washout.
by icc_officialz August 8, 2021
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To deficate on an animal during anal sexual intercourse in an attempt to color the fur brown. Thus creating said shitland shepard.
Whoa man I can't believe you gave that dog a full on shitland shepard!!!!!
by Sherman the Shepard October 24, 2009
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getting ridiculously drunk.
I think I'll pass on the next round of shots...if I don't watch out, I'll be sleeping with Shitland tonight.
getting ridiculously drunk.
I think I'll pass on the next round of shots...if I don't watch out, I'll be sleeping with Shitland tonight.
by Baker Gran January 30, 2012
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Another name for Rainland/officially known as ENGLAND.
Basically a country where it rains 24/7, no matter what sport or what game of cricket you play. Moment your team wins, it's rain.

Never seen a dry day since 2014. Pretty fucking shit.
Yo bro wtf, we're in shitland again? fuuuck
by icc_officialz August 12, 2021
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Not to be confused with the "Shetland Islands" the SHITLANDS is actually Australia and New Zealand
I would never go to the Shitland Islands.

Why? Too cold?
No too many meth and crack heads
by AbolsutelyBased January 4, 2023
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another name for the iconic New Zealand tv show Shortland Street. Mostly used by haters of the show, who have a dick in their mouth
Hayden: Ima watch Shortland street
Joe: you mean shitland street
Hayden: Go commit scooter ankle
by divoc91 February 4, 2021
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