Another term for "dropping the ball" but with a bit more juice to it ya know?
In a sentence it goes something like this: "fuck I shit the ass!" or "Cardano shit the ass bro".
by shit the ass April 6, 2021
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To shit a quantity of shit that is equal to the size of your ass.
by Jugarn Jax May 31, 2005
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v. - This phrase can be used in almost any situation, ranging from extreme disgust in one's self, to having a high chlorine level in a pool, or to having a very eldery motorist slowing down traffic ahead. This phrase can be used in a sentence all by itself, or it can be said right in the middle of other words in the same sentence.
Tony: "C'mon ya old bag! She's gotta be going the same way i'm going! Go right on shit my ass red! I'm in a hurry to make signs for the field days!"

Larry: "The chlorine is too high, we can't open the pool today."
Tony: "Shit my ass, just tell the kids to not open their eyes."
by HeadPoolieInCharge June 27, 2010
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The flow of human excrament as it flows out your anal sphyncter down your leg and out your pant leg.
Damn, man after a hard day at work I love to come home and shit my ass...


by James February 24, 2004
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The excruciating pain one incurs when finally completing a successful bowel movement which feels as if you have just received an episiotomy in child birth.

End result: Bloody stool & burning anus
Son of a bitch Debby, that turd was soooooo big it left me shaking. I always hate those rip shit tear asses!
by Jeepersbo February 2, 2007
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When you have to shit so bad but have to hold it, saying "i am going to shit my ass out" over and over can often alleviate the pain by some small degree.
"Honey, please hurry we're going to be late to my doctor's appointment"

"Fuck fuck fuck I am going to shit my ass out. I am going to shit my ass out. I am going to shit my ass out." etc.
by ClinicalDeath October 29, 2008
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What you say when you have two options that are basically the same thing.
Who are you voting for, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?
Oh I don't care, they're equally bad, they're same shit, different ass.
by awmm October 25, 2017
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