Someone who is scared to speak to people and goes into a Corner by himself.
It also is a funny Java Game.
It also is a funny Java Game.
by ThatWalrussOverThere March 24, 2010
by Heyitsj000 November 23, 2020
Knowing that you did something wrong / showing embarrassment especially over being discovered having done something wrong or silly
She did a sheepish smile
by Handsome cat 101 October 10, 2022
by Tui_pure2 May 1, 2011
by Downstrike May 27, 2004
A little smile you make when you're embarrassed, usually by awkward situations or when you do something "stupid".
You're alone with a cute stranger in an elevator and there is an awkward silence and you make a sheepish smile.
by pinkglitterunicorn December 19, 2015
by Lila December 14, 2004