Originating from the words shop and talk, it began used when discussing all things relevant to the Vancouver Canucks. It has now evolved to be used in countless other applications (see examples).
"Hey Shappy, how's the shap?"
"What's your shap on the game?"
"You shappin' over later?"
"You hear that milt's shap on Luongo?"
"I got shap!"
"Your shap is the top shelf, milt free!"
"Shap late!"
"What's your shap on the game?"
"You shappin' over later?"
"You hear that milt's shap on Luongo?"
"I got shap!"
"Your shap is the top shelf, milt free!"
"Shap late!"
by Vitamin_V12 October 27, 2011
by TopNotchTopHat May 5, 2014
The act of fraudulently using a restroom stall to sleep (typically at work when a nap is badly needed) rather than for it's intended purpose. Usually accomplished by normal sitting posture on the toilet seat, with or without a paper cover. Particular toilet designs are more suited for shapping - those with a flip-up top seat can provide a comfortable, inclined backrest, while those with traditional "commercial" plumbing flush handles can be quite uncomfortable to lounge against. It this last case, the shapper may choose to lean to the side, bracing themselves against the wall, or even lean forward, elbows on knees, although this increases the risk of shap-drool puddle formation on the floor.
"He was in there forever! Must've had something bad to each for lunch"
"No - he wasn't taking a shit - he was taking a nap."
"Oh...you mean a Shap."
"No - he wasn't taking a shit - he was taking a nap."
"Oh...you mean a Shap."
by FreshFromDenver January 10, 2008
Stands for She Has A Penis. Used to point out a girl with a man-ish apeal. Also used as a noun. When used as a noun it means a girl who might have a penis or looks like a man
by shapisawesome April 22, 2011
by Tsukitayo July 18, 2021
by EdwardsLaw July 29, 2009
“That shower is so damp and dark I hope there are no googlies about to jump scare me”
“I think that’s the world renound shap mold”
“What the actual fuck does that fucking mean”
“Shat. Lol.”
“I think that’s the world renound shap mold”
“What the actual fuck does that fucking mean”
“Shat. Lol.”
by panini_legs January 28, 2021