Originally brewed in building 31, Section 5 of the Bronx, NY. Shaint is short for "sure aint". This phrase gained notoriety in the early 1990's.
Homie #1: Fam, that girl you were with , that's wifey? Homie #2 SHAINT
by OMGPHAT.com October 20, 2015
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When someone has to have a bowel movement so bad they faint. In medical terms, defecation syncope or vasovagal syncope. In short, shit-faint...shaint.
I had to shit so bad the other day I shainted...good thing I didn't hit my head or shit on myself.
by Badaducci December 7, 2018
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To faint whilst shitting. Usually after a particularly nasty curry or if suffering from a fever.
Did you hear that Ian shainted at work today.
by pb1979 June 16, 2011
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When you are so scared that you faint and shit yourself...
by Jackalope97 June 4, 2011
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Shit covered taint. Gooey shit on taint
Doug shit himself and his taint was covered in it. Hence Shaint
by Shainty Devil July 17, 2006
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liquid paint like shit that covers the inside of the toilet bowl after a explosive shit
After eating taco bell for lunch and supper i left shaint all over the toilet bowl
by roachburger July 14, 2009
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A slang term combining the words Shit Ain't and Happening.
"Hey can you spot me another twenty bucks?"
"Shaint Happenin"
by Mikerey October 22, 2011
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