Nickname for guitar virtuoso Joe Satriani, one of the greatest guitarists to have ever walked the Earth.
by Andrew December 29, 2004
(n) - a recliner, couch, bed, any object used to rest or relax on
(v)- satchin', to satch
To relax or be lazy
(v)- satchin', to satch
To relax or be lazy
(n)- We just got a new satch for our living room
(v)- I really need to satch. I have been satchin' all day
(v)- I really need to satch. I have been satchin' all day
by satchman February 2, 2010
OMG, Did you see that guy's satch!
Kim - hey girl, stay away from that guy. I heard he has a satch.
Pat - Dude, my satch feels like a gutter full of sweat its so damn hot out.
Kim - hey girl, stay away from that guy. I heard he has a satch.
Pat - Dude, my satch feels like a gutter full of sweat its so damn hot out.
by The Original Satch July 20, 2010
by Bent Himself June 16, 2003
"When I get the ladies goin', their panties gets hella satch". Or " it's so wet outside that the ground is satched"
by Fart friend February 10, 2019
verb-satch, to satch, satching
The act of opening a beer(or other alcoholic beverage) at the beginning of a night of drinking and holding that beer for a long period of time, taking an extremely long time to finish it. Usually done to prolong the "getting drunk" process, or to hope noone notices to make you look "cool" because your holding your beer/cup of drink all night.
The act of opening a beer(or other alcoholic beverage) at the beginning of a night of drinking and holding that beer for a long period of time, taking an extremely long time to finish it. Usually done to prolong the "getting drunk" process, or to hope noone notices to make you look "cool" because your holding your beer/cup of drink all night.
by Nightbinger July 25, 2008
As a noun - A loser, weak, wimpy guy. As an adjective - When a person acts like a Satch, they are being Satchy. Created by Craig Mueller at the DKE house at Hamilton College @1991, when he described Noah as being the King of all Satches.
When T. Russell said "I love this song!", he was a big Satch. It was one of his satchiest moments, among many.
When Pickels asked Mueller what Satch meant, he said "Look in the mirror."
When Pickels asked Mueller what Satch meant, he said "Look in the mirror."
by romad July 29, 2004