Anarchist who doesn't care whether extremist Islamic fundamentalists take over America or not
Ron Paul "Revolution"
by NGD_OMEGA October 28, 2007
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A Republican Congressman from Texas. Notable for his Austrian economic views and isolationist foreign policy. Less publically noted, but just as common in his speeches, is his "strict Constitutinalism". If the Constitution doesn't explicitly say the federal government can do something, the federal government can't do it unless Constitutionally amended.

Pros-Charismatic, admittedly principled. During his career as a Congressman Paul has scantly ever changed his position on most issues. Holds the distinction of having been the lone dissident on more votes in the US Congress than virtually all other sitting Congressman combined.

Cons-The term radical puts it softly. Paul wants to abolish, among other federal programs, the IRS, all federal departments except the Department of Justice, Defence, Commerce, and State, the Federal Reserve, and fiat currency. He opposes all federal drug laws, all business regulation except common Criminal Code offences, all foreign aid, most if not all social assistance, and all anti-discrimination legislation. He supports pulling out all American bases around the world, and opposes US participation in NATO, the WTO, IMF, and World Bank, and the United Nations. Would not have intervened in virtually every American war, including World War II and the American Civil War.

Also has a more than slighly suspect history of printing obscenely racist and homophobic articles.

There is also a significant conspiracy minded mentality amongst his supporters.
Ron Paul is a principled but radical Republican Congressman.
by ThomasvonPaul October 9, 2012
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Described as when a seemingly weaker opponent, with whom few people seem to agree with, expresses a valid argument which cannot be easily disagreed with.

To be Ron Pauled or to Ron Paul another.

Bearing similarities to Rick Rolled.

I got Ron Pauled hard after I said that we need to keep our fiat money system the way it is.
by world stuff July 12, 2008
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Ron Paul, in addition to being a 2008 presidential candidate, is also slang for percocet, usually in the context of recreational use.
Oh shit, I just snorted some Ron Paul and I'm high as fuck!
by gary niger February 26, 2008
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A politician who has the ability to purge washington.
I sure hope that I can inherit the legacy left behind for me by the Ron Paul administration.
by Estehbahn June 1, 2007
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The only politician able to earn Chuck Norris' respect. Here are some facts about Dr. Paul.

1. Ron Paul doesn't go the gym. He stays fit by exercising his civil rights.
2. Ron Paul delivers babies without his hands. He simply reads them the Bill of Rights and they crawl out in anticipation of freedom.
3. Ron Paul doesn't cut taxes. He kills them with his bare hands.
4. Jesus wears a wrist band that says "What Would Ron Paul Do?"
5. When Ron Paul takes a shower, he doesn't get wet...the water gets Ron Paul.
6. Ron Paul could lead a horse to water AND convince it to drink, but he doesn't believe the government has the right to so he refuses.
7. Ron Paul's midi-chlorian level is off the chart.
8. When Chuck Norris gets scared, he goes to Ron Paul.
9. Studies by the World Health Organization show that Ron Paul is the leading cause of freedom among men.
10. Ron Paul makes the U.S. dollar want to be a better currency.
The moral and constitutional obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people.
--Ron Paul

Capitalism should not be condemned, since we haven't had capitalism.
--Ron Paul

Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.
--Ron Paul

You wanna get rid of drug crime in this country? Fine, let's just get rid of all the drug laws.
--Ron Paul
by Tax Heretic August 17, 2007
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a word to yell when someone is tagged in man hunt
jeremy: "RON PAUL"
*everyone comes out of hiding*
adam: "who's it?"
by unruh January 6, 2008
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