An Italian guy named Anthony that can rig the shit out of anything he touches.
Anthony couldn’t fix it the right way so he made it his favorite Italian dish and rigatoni the shit out of it.
by Snipplehead April 18, 2018
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If you don’t like rigatoni Tony will come after you and kill you rigatoni is the best noodle you’ll ever ever eat you will never taste the noodle like rigatoni I’ll tell you what Mario and Luigi are like Gordon Ramsay but Italian they love my rigatoni you come to my house you get rigatoni oh my God I make the best rigatoni in the world you don’t like rigatoni you’re disgrace to earth
If you don’t like rigatoni Tony will come after you and kill you rigatoni is the best noodle you’ll ever ever eat you will never taste the noodle leg rigatoni I’ll tell you what Mario and Luigi are like Gordon Ramsay bought Italian they love my rigatoni you come to my house you get rigatoni all my God you have the best rigatoni in the world you don’t like rigatoni you’re disgrace to earth
by Italian rigatoni January 4, 2020
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Rigatoni is the best noodle you will ever have in your life you will always love rigatoni and fall in love with it if you don’t like rigatoni I will shoot you in the head and you are a disgrace to the earth and a disgrace to the Italian culture
Rigatoni is the bomb
by Italian rigatoni January 4, 2020
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To suck on another persons boobies, tatas, chesticals, or bazoongas. The most italian thing a person can do.
1: We are just gals being pals, want to rigatoni later?
2. Put the crocs in sport mode and get over here bae.
by eeeeeeeeeeb August 28, 2022
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When someone with an outbreak of herpes has a white, and pusy mouth which resembles a plate of recently devoured rigatoni.
I gave your mom that rigatoni mouth last night.
by cornelius rigatoni February 21, 2011
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