"Did you see that reggin Johnson? i had to use necessary force. Ahh lets just sprinckle some crack on him...."
by Dirty Joe August 17, 2004
That Afro-american is a Reggin.
by P Dizzle June 23, 2004
While sitting in KFC we told Ted and Justin to quit acting like such Reggins and stop trying to steal ourchicken.
by Ur a Canadian December 20, 2008
by coonshoota6000 July 8, 2005
A slang term that refers to the dark skinned man refered to as a "nigger" used to hide its true meaning from the African American race.
by anonymous February 6, 2005
The reversal of Nigger, new slur used by non-black due to the inability of uneducated african people to figure out what you're really saying. Started shortly after the BLM movement, and is another piece of the evidence that the only change BLM can produce among whites is symbolic changes. Just because we dont use certain words anymore and are tearing down statues doesn't mean you're suddenly supported, we were finally just pressured to quit rubbing it in your face. This word is a symbol that hate hasnt gone away, BLM is just making it less visible. And that will never change, you reggins.
by LordlyALM July 16, 2020
Hey! that REGGIN(Nigger)is stealing a car. Should we call the cops? Nahh lets just sprinckle some crack on him...."
by KYLE S**O**KI April 22, 2008