by waybetterthanallofyouguys February 18, 2009
A bearded man that loves to perform gay sexual acts in the privacy of public toilets, through gloryholes with gay or bisexual men.
by gayLover6969 October 17, 2012
Funny person who's weird (in a good way) but also the nicest person you know. They're gonna climb on the fridge just because yes, but they will also do anything they can to comfort you when you're sad. Coolest person ever
by Frosty the Frosty February 21, 2023
The word Ragnar comes from the word Gymnos which has been translated and been reinterpreted through many generations. Today its meaning simply is naked faggot.
Johan: Dude are you gonna have a sauna?
Max: Fuck no thats so for Ragnars.
Johan: Tru dat, dat shit be gay
Max: Fuck no thats so for Ragnars.
Johan: Tru dat, dat shit be gay
by milfhuntar March 25, 2010
by raggerdaggerjaggerfuckingballC February 4, 2010
A name of sacred origins. When someone exclaims "RAGNAR", all within earshot must punch someone near them. RAGNAR can be called at any point
Mich: *calls RAGNAR and punches Pete*
Pete: You can't call RAGNAR just so you can punch someone!
Mich: Yeah, you can!
Nick: *calls RAGNAR and punches the crap out of Mich*
Pete: You can't call RAGNAR just so you can punch someone!
Mich: Yeah, you can!
Nick: *calls RAGNAR and punches the crap out of Mich*
by Pete P. Comerford thuh March 8, 2010