using other peoples ideas as your own, that all teachers and professors teach is horribly wrong, is never acceptable in the real world/workplace, and they will fail you for it. yet when it comes time for them to give you your weekly and/or daily metric-Fuck-ton of home work its all bullshit they copied from some other teacher or book so they don't have to do shit but can still fuck your life up, contradicting themselves in the process.
"Billy you copied this answer from the internet that is plagiarism and it is unacceptable! I have no choice but to give you an f on this assignment." "but I copied those answers from the same website that you copied the questions from so I only did what you taught me to do" "too bad Billy I'm the teacher and I gut to decide how bad I want to fuck your life up and I choose to make you wish to die"
by ruffleflip May 23, 2018
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an uncalled for term meaning you kinda took what someone said somewhere and put it in your own words and then got lazy and used copy and paste. however, i guess if we were all being like stephen hall, we wouldnt have to worry about this harsh term
man, i had to write a paper for Donellan and he turned me in to the honor comittee for plagiarism. man, imma go to the barn and fall into a k-hole
by ilovestephenhall March 30, 2006
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To make an undeniably copied statement.
Who's bad?
by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004
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The act of stealing in the written word. The worst crime in terms of copyright infringement.
Blogger Lewis Unknown and some others have repeatedly plagiairized works of a small press author from Illinois, he'd pass his plagiarism after plagiarism off as the original creations. David Boyer did an act of plagiarism author Ferrel Moore for a submission that was recommended for a Bram Stoker Award.
by illinoishorrorman November 4, 2010
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When Urban dictionary doesn't publish your definition, but posts it the next day writtem by someone else, word for word.
Your word wasnot published.
Next day. your word and definition is Word of the day, just posted by someone else.
Urban plagiarism.
by HbBrisley July 10, 2020
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Plagiarism scandals involving “authors” stealing from multiple works and patching them together to take credit for a new and complete story.
Shey Stahl plagiarized several Twilight Fanfiction stories including Dusty and used patchwork plagiarism to write 'For the Summer' and probably all of her other books.
by TwiCharmed September 24, 2013
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When one uses a story/saying/information/anecdote that they recieved or overheard from another individual they know and they do not cite the source. In turn, implying that they themselves are the original source of information.
Maegan tells Leann that she talked to the band about their performance date change in Santa Cruz.
Later that evening, Leann tells a group of mutual friends that the performance date has been changed, without citing/acknowledging where she originally obtained this information. In turn, implying she spoke to the band herself, which could be construed to some as lying.
Thus, Leann commited social plagiarism.
by Mae Mae December 14, 2007
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