
Phizzle comes from the english word telephone meaning phone
Cizzle izzle yizzle Yoizzle cizzle phizzle? foizzle shizzle mizzle nizzle
by Justin October 16, 2004
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AAVE (African American Vernacular English) used often in place of words beginning with "ph" (i.e. Phillip, Philae, etc.)
Hey, Phizzle, what's goin' on?
by Skitzo June 16, 2004
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a hi-pitched sine-wave synth whistle popular with jazze pha and lil jon. c0mes from jazze phizzle whistle.
the phizzle makes that shit slump!
by Slapboyz October 3, 2006
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phizzle (noun) - the specific kind of charm that girls named sophia and sophia alone carries; it is recognized as a word by everyone on the earth (it's true) and is also a very powerful force that not many are willing to mess with
man, that girl really hooked me with her phizzle
by soapi_ October 15, 2023
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A phizzle is any object or substance that a monkey picks out of another monkey's hair.
Dude, that monkey is totally eating that other monkey's phizzles.
by Philip Moon June 17, 2008
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derived from punker slut version of stating " Damn gurl you fine"
by the original generic October 3, 2003
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A word created by producer Jazze Pha that became annoying after it was used in every song he produced. It means "this is a Jazze Pha production". Made famous by Ciara's "1,2 Step".
This is, a Jazze Phizzle Productshizzle, MY NIZZLE!(the prrrrrrrincess is heeeere!!!)
by Mpulse24 January 11, 2006
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