pepsi is so simaler to coke i dont know y people r so picky if they got pepsi drink pepsi if they got coke drink coke
do u hav any coke?
no but we hav pepsi.
ok ill drink that.
by SBT March 8, 2005
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Yo mang, you be drinkin a pepsi.
by Jon December 28, 2004
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The best drink ever better than coca cola. Cocaine is the only reason why there's so much Coca Cola addicts.
1 = "Wow. This is the best thing I ever drank in my life! What is it"
2 = I dont know! But its defenitly not Coca Cola!!!
by KittyEatPills November 22, 2004
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a sugary drink that is probably made up of the ground juices of cigarettes and tar. Pepsi is good when you have no coke and you substitute cigarette waste instead of the tiny punch of cocaine in coke which is alot fresher and 200 times better than pepsi.
coke commercial; me and the hill bily boys opened the fridge and there was no coke left, we then saw the pepsi so we decided to bring jimy to the 2 liter pop drinking contest he chugged the whole bottle and won himself a life times worth of coke thanks to pepsi although i cant deny my coke .
by ahye February 2, 2005
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this is something that you drink; kind of pop
Michaela-Hey get me a pepsi
by Bananas123332 June 19, 2008
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